Video Wine Reviews » Black Coyote Cabernet Sauvignon


The fruit for this wine comes from the Stag’s Leap District of California’s Napa Valley. Deep dark, rich burgundy color. Big rich cherries, creamy smell, mildly oaky. Goes well against a big hearty steak or pulled pork barbeque

Rating:5/7 on the Mastro Scale
Alcohol Level: 13.5

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The Mastro Scale “Find Your Seven”

7 Crazy Good: a pleasurable wave of tingling sensations throughout parts of the body
6 Intense: felt or expressed with forceful energy
5 Flirtatious: behaving playfully and in a way that gives the impression of great interest
4 A head turner: greatly interested or curious
3 A safe bet: unlikely to cause or result in harm, injury, or embarrassment
2 If you must: to be compelled to do because of a rule or law
1 Do not touch

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